Let It Shine! Teaching Yoga at Maui Yoga Path: December 12, 2021

Post Yoga glow!

Tesla said, “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”. I’ve been thinking about Mr. Tesla’s words a lot lately. Hawaii is such a high vibe place for me, and my time here is coming to a close. The good news is we are going back to touring. The bad news is I have to leave the island to do it.

Yoga reminds us that energy and frequency is an inside. Our deepest selves, according to vedic texts are satya, ritam, bharat (truth, order, and vastness), a teaching that later morphed to sat chit ananda (truth, consiousness, and bliss). These alignments are easier for me in Maui that almost anywhere on the planet, and for the two years that we were able to be here, that is what I’ve been soaking in, as much as the Maui sunshine. The more I practice on my mat, the more accessible it is to me.

I know I can’t live in stretch pants on a yoga mat forever. But like my little beach cottage and the practices of yoga, I know the yoga is always here for me. Will it hold up on a tour?

Yes it will. Not only will survive , but I will thrive. I say, bring it on. I. say, let it shine.

Here’s our practice today:

Heart shine meditation


Easy vastistasana
Table top balance play

wrist release with toe stretch
Lunge twist


Standing shoulder opener using strap and block

Warrior II
Warrior II tippee toe

Tree pose


Setu Bandha x 2
Supine Twist

