Wild and Precious Heart: Teaching Yoga at Maui Yoga Path: October 31. 2021: Kihei, HI

Teaching yoga makes my heart feel alive and precious.

It’s Halloween today. A day usually set aside for a celebration and an honoring of death. But is there anything as powerful as the thought of death to inspire a life that’s wide awake and alive?

Our practice this morning allowed movement and breath in to the tight spots that haunt us. It helped us see the person we are underneath the masks and costumes we wear. It encouraged us to be a little less fearful of our daily life.

Among our alignments today we leaned into Mary Oliver and her words “wild and precious” heart.

Swastikasana with breath meditation

 Janushirsasana with twist

 Arhha purvotanasana

 Balasana with blocks

 Chatuaranga play with blocks


High lunge with twist



 Guitar hero with warrior III play


Warrior II







Pada gustasnaa

Eye of the needle
