Generosity Of The Heart: Teaching Yoga at the Maui Yoga Path: October 23, 2021

Generosity of the heart is the beginning of meditation—Krishamurti

So often in yoga we hear “open. your heart”, but the deal is that we.don’t need bigger hearts. We all are born with beautiful hearts, every single one of us. The practice for us all is to clear the path of obstacles life has thrown at us that has blocked our natural “true” heart, the anahata.

Generosity, like all alignments, starts by feeling it in ourselves. We need our whole heart to look within and see ourselves, and the.practices of yoga are here to helps us to that. Sometimes we need strength, sometimes we need softness. Sometimes a little movement in our practice can promote the stillness required so we can, as sutra 1.3 says, experience a deeper truth.

Here’s our sequence this beautiful Saturday morning to align with a generous heart

Generous moment gratitude meditation

 Marichiasana open and closed twist  


Easy vastisthasasana

Balasana  using blocks
Three pushups on  blocks

Low lunge using blocks
High lunge using blocks

Qi gong twist
Qi gong  side taps
Utkasanasa dips x 3
Tippee toe utatasna dips
Uttithatadasana with hasta bandha

Wariror II dance with shoulder openers
Baddhakonasana with blocks

Navasana play

 Savasana on blocks
